Great Offers

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Target "Shadow" By Madhu babu gaaru.. Compleated..


"I am working in Dubai from last 3 months. Due to work pressure , i haven't time to upload and Swathi weekly also is not available here."

A friend of mine send the copies of these for reading to me. 

Thank you.


*1st  Part*

*2nd Part*

*3rd Part*

*4th Part*

*5th Part*

*6th Part*

*7th Part*

*8th Part*

*9th Part*

*10th Part*

*11th Part*

*12th Part*

*13th Part*

14th Part..

15th Part...

16th Part...

17 th Part

18th.. Part.

19th Part..

20th Part..

21st Part..

22nd Part.

23rd Part..

24th Part.

25th Part...

26th Part...

27 th part..

28th Part..

29th Part..


31st Part..


Last part.